What I’ve Learned in 25 Years of Living

Levina Purnamadewi
4 min readNov 10, 2020

25 is the age where most people having their identity crisis. Maybe because this is the time when you have to stand up on your own foot and decide what would you do for the rest of your life. Well, actually it doesn’t start when you turn 25. It will happen years earlier of even later than that. There’s no exact time for you to feel the crisis. What i’m sure of is that everybody will experience it someday.

When I think a lot about my future and my plans in this life, I realized that it is the moment i’m having a crisis. I didn’t even know what i want to do in this life. I have to decide it myself. I always believe that everyone in this world have their own role and purpose. But, what’s mine? These thoughts just popped up in my head 2 years ago. I was 23, and just graduate from the university.

After 6 months unemployed, I finally got interviewed by one of the best national banks in my country. At first, i was very happy because finally I got a job! But, after months of working, I realized that I don’t feel satisfied. I just found out that I was stuck in a job that i have never imagine. I forgot about my dream, my hopes, my hobbies. All I thought is about how to get money so I can live my own life without bothering my parents. I have never thought that I would be in a position where I spend most of my day in front of a computer, serving tea, making schedule, and phone calls.

I value myself more than that.

That was the time when I decided to quit and start pursuing what I like. I finally get the chance to switch career into creative industry which is what i’ve been passionate about since i was in school. Now, I continue doing what i like, building my own business together with my two friends, and I feel happy, satisfied, and fulfilled.

After going through many situations, I can say that you will experience more challenges in your 20s. There will be so many questions in your head, things that’s happening around you, and here are tips for you to prepare:

Get to know yourself.

Most people caught up in an identity crisis situation because they don’t know who they are, what they like, what makes them satisfied, or what makes them fulfilled. In life, there are only two things you want to achieve; happiness and fulfilment. Both of them are feelings. The only one who knows how to achieve and feel it is yourself. So, start by knowing yourself. You can try writing all your likes and dislikes, abilities, strength, weakness and other things about yourself in a book. Then, you will also know your own worth.

Feed your curiosity

Whenever you feel curious, you have the feeling to dig something deeper. Gather as many information as you can other than what you’ve studied in school. There are so many hidden treasure in this life. It can broaden your knowledge and can give you a new perspective that can help you in the future. Read as many books as you can, scrolling google for informations, join many communities that’s align with your interests, and make many friends while you have the time.

Learn to lead your own life.

I spent years living in someone else’s expectations: my parents. Of course every parents want the best for their kids. But, that doesn’t mean they can control your career or your decision in life. Sometimes they don’t clearly know what we like or what we’re passionate about. The only way to break it, you have to trust yourself, trust your abilities, and start to pursue what you want to achieve. Prove to your parents that you can also be successful in your own way.

Use your time wisely.

When you get older, you don’t have as much time as before. Your days will be very busy doing your work. It consumes most of your time everyday. Try to learn time management. Schedule your own activity so you have your goals measured while you can also get entertained. You have to live balance!

Last but not least, dream.

I am one of the people who don’t have any ambitions when i was young. All I want is becoming a successful person. Therefore, I felt so clueless. When you know yourself earlier, It will make you decide your plans easier. Then, dream on! Life is full of surprises. Put your best effort and let God do the rest.

Remember, don’t compare yourself to others because everyone is living their own life. They have their own journey and goals to achieve. Focus on your own and make yourself happy!



Levina Purnamadewi

An observant who still discovering herself. I’m a lady like that. hit me up: lev.purnamadewi@gmail.com